Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Not here for awhile

In case you perambulate by here on occasion, I just wanted to let you know that we are off to visit the in-laws for almost 3 weeks day after tomorrow. Yes, it is Germany. Yes, it is beautiful. However, this is probably the 12th time I have been there, and well, we have done it all, multiple times. This is also the first time we will be traveling with Daniel when he has opinions, so it is not going to be fun. Last time over the ocean, I watched a penguin video 8 times. And, he won't eat any of the food, and he is one of those obnoxious kids who can't stop opening and closing the trays. However, we are diaper free this time. Back to the boredom of Eutin. It is to the point that I get excited when Saturday versus Wednesday market comes because the olive man comes on Saturday. My husband's family lives in THE MOST BORING PLACE IN GERMANY. You have to drive 2 hours to get to something even remotely what any German would consider worth seeing. Yes, there is a beach 20 minutes away, but you have to pay to go on it, and I just finished shoving our winter coats into the suitcases. I pack wool socks and hats for summer vacation. Stefan's family has had a very "sick" year, so we will be doing lots of supportive listening. Well, Stefan will do that. I will sit there with a look of bafflement on my face. It is kind of funny because just like Americans do to non-English speakers, his dad sometimes thinks if he just says it LOUDER I will understand. Nope, I am pretty clueless even if you shout at me. I can promise that I will come back 5 pounds fatter. My mother-in-law could saute dogfood, and you would ask for seconds. However, this IS the year that I am going to demand to go to the donkey amusement park and the banana museum. They are the only two things left. We have been through the U-Boat, seen the mummified bog people, visited the zoo in Hamburg a billion times, etc. And, aren't I lucky? We will be there in time for herring season. My joy overwhelms me. However, we will also be there for strawberry season, which is worth the plane ticket price. German strawberries are so amazing, and they taste nothing like the ones you buy here. And, last but far from least, we will be staying at a farm part of the time. Isabel has already announced that she plans to ask if she can muck a stall, and apparently, Daniel wants to learn how to "pick eggs." There is also a litter of baby pigs, so here is your German word for the day. A piglet is a Ferkel in German. Try to make sure you use it in a sentence properly. See you in 20 days or so.

1 comment:

Adrienne Martini said...

... banana museum...

I need to lie down.