Monday, June 9, 2008

The Perfect Boy Birthday Party and a Circus

Monkey Boy just had his 9th birthday party. I will not be a mother who says that time flies because I honestly have no memory of life before my kids. I am not sure if there is a relation to the amount of bourbon that went down in the years before the kids, but I don't remember a pre-mother identity. Monkey Boy invited 7? 8? masses? of boys for a Construct/Destruct birthday party. First of all, the boys were given a huge pile of cardboard boxes, a bunch of tape, and told to just use it for whatever. This went well for about 45 minutes, then it degenerated into a free-for-all that involved screaming at the sisters, violence, and water guns. After they were completely soaked, they were given electonics and their very own screwdrivers (love dollar general - a whole set for a buck) and told to figure out how things work. For some, it involved smashing, for others, it was systematic organization of screws and reducing it to the smallest parts. They didn't learn a dang thing, but I now have lost of toxic electronic parts to figure out what to do with them. All in all, it was by far the cheapest part ever. Monkey Boy and his compatriots were busy for 2 solid hours and I didn't have to deal with people in stuffed suits giving me bad pizza.

Yesterday the big two and some friends and I went to the circus. I haven't been to the circus in forever, mainly because I take a hard stance against performing wild animals. I don't mind dogs doing tricks, but I don't think that elephant really wants to stand on that ball. This circus had dogs, horses, and goats, and all the animals looked happy. And, it had the Flying Wallendas! My mom used to tell me about the Flying Wallendas and their gruesome fall, so I was all pumped to see them. And they have a VERY ATTRACTIVE batch of genes. And if you put ANYONE on a trapeze, I will watch. I still mourn the loss of Circus of the Stars and Erik Estrada being shot out of a cannon, and I would watch it again if it came back. They had a fantastic clown (who was a Wallenda cousin), and St. Louis has a local circus school and those kids are professional. These kids can jump onto the back of a moving horse, jump rope on the back of said horse, etc. I was wishing I had stuck my kids in it because then I could live through them. They have exercise classes for adults. Can you imagine crunches on a trapeze. The pain...The kids' favorite act was this man who could juggle his children with his feet. Seriously. He is like a sixth generation foot juggler, and I am not sure Monkey has plans for college anymore. It was great.

Off to Mississippi tomorrow morning. No storms forcasted. No illnesses. Just a dog pickup. This time I plan to count the dead armadillos. I am betting I hit 100.

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