Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Environmental Porn

Egad. Until my friend Laura sent this to me, I never knew such a concept could exist. I consider myself an environmentalist, but it never occurred to me that there were pornographic options involved in saving the planet? I think if the right marketing is done, every single person in Hollywood and every male under age 30? might learn to love trees A LOT MORE.

Here is the link. I have not gone through it completely because the word "adult" freaks me out and I don't want my computer to ever learn about it. So,if it offends, my apologies!


Oh, exciting news! I get to go to a Mississippi WEDDING in two weeks. It will be nothing like the funeral, I am sure, because I don't have one single funny wedding story, except for Ohio, and that one still makes my skin crawl so I can't tell it yet. All I can say is it has made me terrified of that state and I run from the tourists in the Smoky Mountains. You can spot those from the midwest from afar - they have on new socks and sensible shoes. And hats. They always seem to wear hats. I guess all that wheat/corn farming has made them deeply aware of the sun. But, I really try NOT to be prejudiced, but Ohio tourists really, really tempt me to be judgmental.

1 comment:

geirArne said...

I am so proud of my fellow Norwegians!

Seriously, I am at least a little impressed that they are still going, and seems to have raised quite a lot of money! A little bit of backstory: FFF became at least locally, and temporarily famous in the summer of 2004, when they entered the stage at Norway's biggest rock festival and went at it in front of a crowd of many thousands.