Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Retired Vigilantes

Our local paper which is by far the best paper of any town I have lived in has special sections called "Suburban Journals" which focus on smaller ares of the city. Our section covers an area that ranges from inner city, through Little Bosnia, through perhaps one of the most conservative ares of this very Democratic town. Within the journal, there is an area where you can call in, leave your opinion, and they will dutifully type it up for the next issue. This "Town Talk" is by far my favorite section because people will say things they would never write. So, this was my favorite from yesterday. I showed it to my husband, and he didn't laugh, mainly because he pronounced "hos" as "hose (like the garden tool)" so he was kind of clueless.

Here it is, the recorded opinion of AARP Rambo.

Read this and beweare. This is a comment for all you nasty hos, who think you're going to start jumping in and out of cars in the 7700 block of South Broadway Park. I don't work anymore so I have nothing better to do than to watch you getting in cars. I'm going to be watching you. I'm going to be watching you. I'm going to be watching you. You don't know who I am, but I know who you are. Beward. Go someplace else. Stay away from our area.

Or what? Clearly, the thought of people knowing their profession has not stopped the car jumpers. And what should we beware of? Should the drivers or the jumpers be wary? Now, of course, since I have no idea of where this is, I want to drive there and see if I can figure out who this watcher is. Would he write this about loitering students, too? Or is the watching the fun part? Is he hoping for more than jumping? Is he hoping to see Jerry Springer action below his window? And, why did I assume this was a man? Maybe it is a morally outraged former female librarian?

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